Self-Defense Classes

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build the skills and confidence to stay safe in the city.

This 60-minute class for adults is based on principles of self-defense like situational awareness, de-escalation, and action.  Our approach is simple: We train to master basic strikes and combatives, effective communication and special physical conditioning. 

You'll learn how to recognize and avoid threatening situations  and how to protect yourself if you are in danger. This class is perfect for beginners and people looking to brush up on their skills to stay safe in the city.

What you’ll learn:

  • Strikes and combatives (blocks, punches, kicks, knees and elbows etc)

  • Effective verbal communication and confident body language 

  • Situational awareness and recognizing intuition 

  • Recognizing suspicious people and dangerous situations 

  • Decisive action and avoiding the “freeze-up”

  • Managing distance and evasion

  • Getting loud 

  • Stanger vs non-stranger danger

Self-Defense Workshops for young people  

Schedule a discovery phone call for details 

Having a foundation in self-defense is tremendously important for the safety and confidence of  young people living in NYC.  As they begin to navigate the city with more independence they will undoubtedly benefit from some preparation in the event that they come in contact with a dangerous person or situation.  

In our self-defense workshop participants will learn the basic principles and techniques of self-defense. Our practical approach is designed specifically for young people and  emphasizes  general physical preparedness, effective communication, and simple self-defense techniques.  Our age-appropriate content is hands-on, educational and fun making this workshop ideal for a group of friends or sports team.

Each workshop consists of four ninety-minute classes and is lead by some the most skilled and experienced coaches in NYC. Their backgrounds include military service, private security, boxing, jiujitsu, kickboxing, martial arts and specific self-defense training.

The training will combine role playing common city scenarios— such as riding the subway, walking to and from commitments  and being out with friends— with hands on combatives.   Each class will highlight a distinct skill set that will be expanded upon as they move through the curriculum.  

The CitySmart Self-Defense Workshop offers invaluable experience to bolster young people's confidence and practical preparation for managing threatening situations and staying safe.

Kind words from clients

"Mike ran a six hour self-defense workshop for my 6th grade son and his friends and it was fantastic - they learned a lot of practical skills for navigating the city. They also did some strength training and had plenty of time to practice their skills. The gym space is nice and Mike was great to work with.” - Elizabeth

“Thank you for making my first self-defense class approachable and very educational - I’m recommending all my friends to take a class now :) You’re an amazing coach!” - Haena